We will take you on a collective journey through your local plant world using folklore, myths and legends to inspire your own story to emerge. This course is accessible to All, no matter your experience in either storytelling or foraging. We want to introduce you to the wonderment of plant life all around us and how we can use this ancient folklore to help us manage our difficulties today.
This is a collaborative course, and is to be co-created by all.
We’ll be using our senses to turn inwards as well as explore outwards, exchanging our energy with our world.
We’ll be taking inspiration from the land, from the plants that grow abundantly around us and how we can learn from their growth, their folklore and their medicines.
You can join in to any activity as much as you would like, opt out if you'd prefer to be more reflective and focus on letting your body relax whilst in nature.
We’ll be exploring The Mound in St Werburghs and Eastville Park.
We'll be sharing different teachings at each session, so you can join us for all three sessions, or just one/two.